New Year Agency Update

Dear Wayside Family,
Goodness and prosperity are not only my wishes for you and yours in the New Year, they are also the focus of Wayside’s efforts in 2023!



 Pathways Day Program: Equal parts community center and continuing education venue, Pathways’ 5 sites give shape and meaning to the days and lives of its program participants and proudly offers programming to Northeast Ohio’s developmental disability community.

 Nursing Excellence: One of the few providers of its kind to have a nursing program, Wayside’s nurses have distinguished themselves by minimizing the worst outcomes of the pandemic, while safeguarding the continued health and wellness of the individuals in the agency’s care.

 Staff Dedication: Impacting the lives of the people Wayside is privileged to support with over 1.3 million hours of service in 2022, I am proud to say that the dedicated people on the agency’s staff are the stuff of which everyday heroes are made!



 Workforce Development: Hiring is priority #1 and staffing challenges are being met with new practices designed to attract new employees, retain current staff, and cut back on overtime.

 Budget Strategies: Building on 2022’s balanced budget, 2023 strategies will reign-in expenses through consolidation of homes and resources, and augment revenue via updated staffing ratios, and meticulous State of Ohio billing practices.

 Mission Advancement: Expanding the agency’s programming for individuals with developmental disabilities will continue to be at the forefront of our highest and best work.


I look forward to working with you to ensure goodness and prosperity for the individuals in our care!

 Thank you for all you do for Our Lady of the Wayside!


Terry Davis
President & CEO

Morgan Perez